Funding for higher education and innovation research for 2012 has been awarded. Total of 27 applications were received, of which nine was awarded a grant.
Funding has been granted for the following projects:
- The changing academic profession: the impact of globalisation, diversification and institutional reorganisation on academic work and employment conditions (EUROAC-FIN)
Project leader: Timo Aarrevaara
– 30 000 € - The emergence of non-academic staff and the para-academic profession in universities – a Finno-Nordic perspective
Project leader: Ian Dobson
– 20 000 € - Transnational governance of higher education: ideas, policy instruments and institutional change
Project leader: Tero Erkkilä
– 27 000 € - Educational choices and information on labor market prospects
Project leader: Klaus Kultti
– 45 000 € - Building and using policy-relevant economic models – the case of time discounting
Project leader: Uskali Mäki
– 50 000 € - What do course grades tell us about the quality of learning outcomes?
Project leader: Liisa Postareff
– 60 000 € - Promoting working life competencies in university education
Project leader: Auli Toom
– 75 000 € - Varieties of the third mission: mechanisms and institutions of university-society relationship in different disciplines
Project leader: Juha Tuunainen
– 55 000 € - Encouraging faster graduation – the role of financial incentives
Project leader: Roope Uusitalo
– 38 000 €